Tag Archives: Purple Carrots

National Poetry Month 4-1 Thru 4-29 2015

The baby seal was going to die
It accepted it as if the only thing it had to do
Was dive
not for food
But just for the final joy of diving
His mother following with mother seal tears
She was going to follow as long as possible
Until the last breath
The sharks turned away
Pretended they did not see
Not willing to bite into the sickness
The seals die from us
Die from the chain of death
The red the black the radiation
That mother ocean can not heal
Can not wash away
Cannot swallow
So the seals die
As a foreshadow
wash up on So Cal beaches
On Sunday afternoon
To disrupt picnics
And joggers
Surfers and tourists
A monument to what is to come
And what we lost

The tattooed daddy has his little girl for the Sunday, her tiny eye see Venice in its odd glory
He buys her an ice cream, a glittered photo of Hello Kitty, and sunglasses. Clumsy hand is huge as he shows her his tainted world, she only sees her Daddy, only knows he is not yelling today, understands that can change in a second so she is quiet and smiles, she wants him to look into her eyes but he is busy showing her stuff , buying her stuff amd walking. In 10 years she will love the Venice boardwalk and walk it when she can, hoping he will be there. He wont,, he will be in another city in another life as uncomfortable as ever, she will never understand how lucky she was he never came back.

4-11- 1/2

Sam Kennison screamed to make us laugh
He screamed, a punch line smile a menacing smile,’an over coat of contradiction he may or may not have killed someone, he may or may not love Jesus,may or may not hate god, respect god, he definitely liked women, pot, coke, food, cigarettes, laughing making people laugh, fighting about philosophy and being kind unexpectedly. One April 11th on the way to Vegas he said, “Yes, yes oh, OH, I understand and stopped breathing, smiling, joking, smoking but I don’t think he stopped being, because I just thought if him again today and laughed

As an child, Mary was sent to her room by her father because her mother drank too much and said mean things when she did. After a while Mary began to like her room and when she learned to read her room became an ocean, was a jungle where animals talked, her room was a tree, a garden, a boat, a train, a city of lights, a horse black and beautiful, it was a cave, a castle, a battle field and it was filled with people who cared. The comfort of the pages smell was better then a kiss, was warm like a hug, was teaching her that the room was a door to another place, made her mothers problems not matter, was a road to her future self. Books gave shelter and wings to fly, and comfort, as long as she could find words on a page she found home


Oh brother standing in your youthful boots
Crazy and declaring you are a Navy Seal
Mad dog old ladies like me?
Maybe you were a Navy seal,
in a video game once
In a past life perhaps
Now you look like an unwashed speed freak
Asking me with violent eyes
Can I give you some of my fear
Well.. I am fresh out
I dont have a drop of fear left
Not sorry to disappoint
You come at me half ass like you are going to do something
I say OK without a smile
Looking right at you
I believe you picked the wrong old lady to intimidate tonight
Dont try again
The next mamma may have a gun
Old girls in this town know the drill
I personally used up all my fear tickets
At the last Rodeo
All I got left is an empty pocket of
I dont give a fuck
I can give you some of that no problem

That time I wanted to get
What I thought I needed was
Made me smoke and eat too much starch
Made me say yes when I should have said no
Had supernatural demonic energy to negate
My eyes
Spun rituals of pretending
Sacrafice of honor
It was yesterday
It was the last time I made excuses for my
Thoughts , my face, my body
It is the act of spitting in the face
of the god
Who made bats
That time was wasted
Good for no great thing
Good for no thing
And it was a lie


I have been living upside down
The things I hold dear lost in a shipwreck
Even laughter is broken
Shards of laughters glass beneath fighting feet
I move
The best news Is
I do not care
It is all
an illusion
I don’t care
This careless state liberates
Anything can happen now


in the park across the street the population of humanity that missed a paycheck lost jobs, had no “daddy”, aged out of foster care, took to much glass, or acid, or rotgut or pcp or crystal or crack or just were created in humble circumstances
without a net
for Christians to come and give them stuff for free
blankets, food in bags, tooth paste, money sometimes, gift cards,
the gold that is clean socks and soap
there is no church service
just a line
no one tells them to change
or behave
or even to get off the street
the Christians, some a few steps from living in the street themselves
put together care packages
and just give stuff out
as if they were doing something brave
as if the brown bags, meant something
was an action of love
made them all brothers
one group of Christians have been doing it for 30 years
the Catholic’s are doing it now because of the new pope
The park across the street is a carnival of poverty and willingness to give
it is unpopular among the residents that pay alot to live in the neighborhood
it is most likely the Un-popular kids in school who came up with this idea
the empathetic, pathetic unpopular kids
they are not “attractive”, they drive shitty cars, they smile too much
and they give
fucking Christians


Ned wanted to marry again for the 5th time
to a new woman
with real blonde hair and fine fine legs
Ned wanted clear eyes and clear skin
Ned wanted youth
even though he was 70
in his mind he was 40 and at the top of his game
Ned wanted a new lover
one with blue eyes
one who thought he was amazing
one who listened captive to everything he said
instead he sat in his chair listened to his 4th wife prattle
could not remember loving her
she said out loud in that high pitched scream
that she never loved him
and now that the money was gone
she was leaving
He looked at the website that said he had a match
and smiled..there is always another one
he said..there is always another one

Purple carrots were created
5000Years ago
They can’t sit next to an Apple
because the Apple
Sends vibes that make the carrots bitter
The Apple thinks it knows everything
As does the Pear
They both can by
being near the purple carrot
Make it bitter
Change its core
Without doing a thing
Just by being themselves
Purple carrots are odd
Full of cool things
Healthy stuff
Which can all be changed

Four year old hands
Dirty and wonderful
Tapping the metal stick that releases soda stream mischief
Pink , brown, clear bubbling flow
Tomorrow will be more complicated
Next year worse
The world will tell you who you are
Just like today
Smile and do not listen

Regret folds itself like origami
Sharp corners
One must concentrate to make it into something
Different than what it actually is
One must use the imagination
To disguise
The reality of the thing
In the end
It is just regret
Folded in on itself
To make a bird
That does not fly


Good morning to you sweet stranger who texts me some shit before you know how cantankerous I can be, that I have many flavors of my cantankerous blood flowing through a rainbow of cantankerous mocking veins with a good flair for pretending that I am just another business lady in black, with a crocodile smile and no respect what so ever for anything on this planet or anything that this planets business people hold dear…I would love to have coffee with you some time..and by that I mean you need to buy me a drink if I have listen to you go on about your ex wife becuse at my age there is a plethera of ex wife stories, and just because I gave you my card, and listened to your 5 min explaination at the supply house does not mean I am that interested in your ex wife stories, because I am no ones ex wife and believe that is a good thing for all of humanity by refraining from the wife/ex wife catagory and by the way did I say …you are buying ..

There is no earthly reason you should reason
thinking too much may cause a twitch
or a lapse
or the feeling of a ticking time clock
which if considered can be frightening
not mellow
and remind you of your grand parents
which in itself is not bad
because thinking of ones’ grand parents could be
or horrific
depending on the grand parents
that said
reason could force you to
too much
which is reasonable
and very, very, unreasonable
at the same time
depending on where you stand
and there is a good chance
you stand on ground
that is not holy
as much as it is
which is better then holy
because you can pay for holiness on said ground
however if you are not currently affluent
on a ground that IS affluent
then reason is of no value what so ever
cunning is more valuable
irrationality is more popular
ignorance I am told is